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Could you please tell me how long it would take to get from stage l (2) to next stage ..2?
Dear Dr. Chung,
Could you please tell me how long it would take to get from stage l (2) to next stage ..2? I have had hep c for 30 yrs and am Stage long can i expect it to take before it goes to stage 2? Is there any 'rule of thumb' or evidence to give a patient an idea?
Thanks so much*
  Dr Chung Writes-  
Although the average duration of progression from stage 0 to stage 4 is about 20 years, there is wide variation (obviously so in your case), so that the best way of gauging your own progression is to undergo periodic liver biopsy (assuming you're not treated) to see if there is progression over a defined period of time - yours is an encouraging trend, but the progression typically accelerates with older age.
  Dr. Chung      
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