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North Carolina ADAP Rescued
  We are extremely pleased to announce that, using a combination of new state and federal resources, the nation's largest ADAP Waiting List is on its way to being eliminated and the Program returned to an "open" status. You can see yesterday's DHHS Press Release by going to the following web site: http://www.dhhs.state.nc.us/pressrel/8-19-04a.htm
The NC General Assembly appropriated $2.765 million in new and recurring ADAP resources in the recently completed FY 2004 - 05 budget. This brings the State contribution to the ADAP Program to ~$11.12 million. The additional State funds will allow the Program to move about 585 individuals from the Waiting List to Active Program Coverage. The anticipated effective date of coverage for this group is September 1, 2004.
On June 23, 2004, the President announced a Special Federal ADAP Initiative, in which $20 million in emergency resources was being made available to address ADAP Waiting Lists that existed in, at that time, 10 states. More than 1,600 people were on those Waiting Lists as of that date, with North Carolina accounting for almost half of that number. The details of exactly how that special initiative will operate and when it will begin are still being finalized, but the end result will be that the remaining individuals on NC's Waiting List will be able to be served and receive their prescribed HIV medications through this federal program. It appears right now as though those to be served under the federal initiative will be receiving their medications directly from the federal operation through a "direct mail and delivery" process, as opposed to going to the pharmacy and picking up their medications, as is currently done within the NC ADAP Program. NC will continue to have access to resources through this special initiative that will allow the ADAP Program to eliminate the Waiting List and operate an open Program (i.e., accepting and immediately enrolling eligible individuals into this federal initiative) for the foreseeable future. It is hoped that the implementation date of this initiative will be within the next few weeks as well. We have been advised that these federal resources will continue to be made available to North Carolina's ADAP Program next year, most likely through the State's annual Ryan White award.
We will be sending out additional information to clients, case managers/clinicians and the HIV community as available and appropriate. We thank all of you for the work that you've done that contributed to these resources being made available, and for the work that you'll continue to do to facilitate access to medications and other essential services for North Carolinians living with HIV disease through these and future initiatives.
Stephen G. Sherman
AIDS Policy/ADAP Coordinator
HIV/STD Prevention and Care Branch
Division of Public Health - NC DHHS
1902 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1902
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