Effects of Tenofovir DF on Renal Function of Chronic HBV Patients in Three Global Randomized Studies
Reported by Jules Levin EASL 2011 Berlin German March 30-Apr 2
P. Marcellin1, J. Heathcote2, T. Berg3, J. Anderson4, E. Mondou4, D. Coombs4, R. Ebrahimi4, S. Reddy4, U. Lopatin4, C. Ng4
1Hospital Beaujon, Clichy, France; 2Toronto Western Hospital, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 3Universitatsklinik, Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany; 4Gilead Sciences Inc., Foster City, CA, USA.
Author Discussion
· This analysis evaluated the renal function of 675 patients on TDF for up to 3 years
· Overall, few patients experienced a decline in renal function
- 5/675 (0.7%) had ≥ 0.5mg/mL increase in creatinine
· 3/5 had preexisiting hypertension
· 1/5 had preexisting diabetes
- 1/675 (0.1%) had a decline in eGFR to <50ml/min
· This patient had preexisting hypertension
· The lack of a placebo group in these long term studies makes conclusions concerning the potential role of TDF in decreasing renal function more difficult to assess. Patients with diabetes and hypertension are already at risk for renal dysfunction regardless of TDF therapy
