First Report of SVR12 for a NS5A Replication Complex Inhibitor, BMS-790052, in Combination With PegIFNα-2a and RBV: Phase IIA Trial in Treatment-Naive HCV Genotype 1 Subjects
Reported by Jules Levin
EASL 2011 March 30 Berlin, Germany
Pol S,1 Ghalib RH,2 Rustgi VK,3 Martorell C,4 Everson GT,5 Tatum HA,6 Hézode C,7 Lim JK,8 Bronowicki J-P,9 Abrams GA,10 Brau N,11 Morris DW,12 Thulvath P,13 Reindollar RW,14 Yin PD,15 Diva U,15 Hindes R,15 McPhee F,15 Gao M,15 Thiry A,15 Schnittman S,15 Hughes EA15
1Hopital Cochin, Paris, France; 2The Liver Institute at Methodist Dallas Medical Center, TX, USA; 3Metropolitan Research, Fairfax, VA, USA; 4The Research Institute, Springfield, MA, USA; 5University of Colorado Denver and University of Colorado Hospital, Aurora, CO, USA; 6Options Health Research, Tulsa, OK, USA; 7CHU Henri Mondor, Créteil, France; 8Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA; 9Hopital d'Adultes de Brabois, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France; 10AL Liver and Digestive Specialists, Montgomery, AL, USA; 11James J Peters VAMC, Bronx, NY, USA; 12Healthcare Research Consultants, Tulsa, OK, USA; 13Mercy Medical Center, Baltimore, MD, USA; 14Carolinas Center for Liver Disease Research, Statesville, NC, USA; 15Bristol-Myers Squibb, Research and Development, Wallingford, CT, USA
BMS-790052 is a potentially first-in-class, highly selective HCV NS5A Replication Complex Inhibitor with picomolar potency and broad genotypic coverage in vitro1
- EC50 values of 50 and 9 pM against genotype (GT) 1a and 1b replicons
- BMS-790052 inhibits HCV RNA replication through the NS5A protein, an essential component of the HCV replication complex2
BMS-790052 has a pharmacokinetic profile supportive of once-daily dosing
BMS-790052 plus pegylated interferon alfa-2a (pegIFNα-2a) and ribavirin (RBV) can achieve high rates of early HCV RNA suppression (RVR and eRVR) compared with placebo3
This poster presents the first sustained virologic response (SVR) data obtained for a NS5A Replication Complex Inhibitor

1. Gao M, et al. Nature 2010;465:96-100.
2. Gao M, et al. 46th EASL; March 30-April 3, 2011; Berlin, Germany. Poster 2392.
3. Pol S, et al. J Hepatol 2010;52(suppl 1):S462.