Characterization of Virologic Escape in HCV
Genotype 1 Null Responders Receiving a
Combination of the NS3 Protease Inhibitor
BMS-650032 and NS5A Inhibitor BMS-790052
Reported by Jules Levin
46th EASL Congress, Berlin, Germany
March 30-April 3, 2011
F McPhee, D Hernandez, F Yu, J Ueland, C Wang, H Huang,
S Levine, D Gardiner, R Fridell, M Gao
EASL: Quadruple Therapy With BMS-790052, BMS-650032 and Peg-IFN/RBV for 24 Weeks Results in 100% SVR12 in HCV Genotype 1 Null Responders: "HCV infection can be cured without interferon & ribavirin: 2 orals BMS790052+BMS650032" - (04/02/11)
