Telaprevir Week 4 Response Predicts Outcome (SVR)
"68% of patients in studies had undetectable HCV viral load at 4 weeks and 58% at weeks 4 and 12 (212/363), and 89% of these patients with undetectable viral load at weeks 4 and 12 achieved a cure or SVR after 24 weeks of total therapy, for these patients 24 weeks therapy achieved SVR."
AASLD: New HCV Drugs at AASLD, easy to understand report: (see links below to reports from AASLD) - (11/10/10)
AASLD: Telaprevir in Combination with Peginterferon alfa-2a and Ribavirin in Genotype 1 HCV Treatment-Naïve patients: Final results of Phase 3 ADVANCE Study - (11/04/10)
CROI: Telapravir Promotes Early Clearance of HCV RNA With PEG-IFN/RBV, Early Response Predicts Outcome (weeks 1,2,4) - written by Mark Mascolini - (03/8/11)
"Patients treated with a telaprevir-based regimen, who had early HCV RNA undetectability, had higher sustained viral response rates......Among telapravir-treated people with undetectable HCV RNA after 1 week of therapy, 90% attained a sustained virologic response (SVR, undetectable HCV RNA 6 months after treatment ends), if undetectable at week 2 83% achieved SVR, and if undetectable at week 4 77% achieved SVR."