icon-    folder.gif   Conference Reports for NATAP  
17th Intl Workshop on Comorbidities
and Adverse Drug Reactions in HIV
Oct 20-22 2015, Barcelona, Spain
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Decreased bone mass in perinatally HIV-infected school-aged
South African children on ART

  Childhood HAART Alterations in Normal Growth, Genes, and aGing Evaluation Study (CHANGES) Bone Study Team
Reported by Jules Levin
(IWCADRH) 17th Intl Workshop on Comorbidities and Adverse Drug Reactions in HIV Oct 20-22 2015, Barcelona, Spain
Michael T. Yin1, Stephanie Shiau1, Renate Strehlau2, Francoise Pinillos2, Faeezah Patel2, Louise Kuhn1, Ashraf Coovadia2, Sarah Ramteke1, Don J. McMahon1, Jonathan J. Kaufman3, Stephen M. Arpadi1
1Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
2University of the Witwatersrand, Empilweni Services and Research Unit, Johannesburg, South Africa
3Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA











This slide shows the same results for girls.
We can see that the BMC-height Z-score for girls remaining on LPV/r in blue was lower than the BMC-height Z-score for girls switched to EFV in orange.
On the right, we see that girls switched to EFV for more than 2 years have better BMC-height Z-score compared to those who stayed on LPV/r and those who had only switched to EFV for less than 2 years. These girls may have normalizing BMC-height Z-scores.