Poor Mental Health & Quality of Life in Virally Suppressed HIV+
IDWeek 2019: Mental Health, Quality of Life, and Accessibility to Care Among Virally-Suppressed People Living With HIV in the United States - (10/7/19)
A higher score on the FAHI indicates better HRQoL. The total score ranges from 0-176, while the physical and emotional well-being score range from 0-40, functional and global well-being range from 0-52, social well-being 0-32, and cognitive from 0-12. In general, virally suppressed patients reported lower HRQoL than a US normative sample (Brucker et al 2005). For the US normative sample the scores were: 121.8 for total score, 32.4 for physical well-being, 33.2 for emotional well-being score, 34.4 for functional, and 21.8 for social well-being.
The reference for the Brucker normative sample is:
Brucker PS, Yost K, Cashy J, et al. General population and cancer patient norms for the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General (FACT-G). Evaluation & The Health Professions. 2005;28(2):192-211.
