"I feel empowered": Women's perspectives on and experiences with long-acting injectable anti-retroviral therapy in the United States and Spain
ID Week Oct 2-6 2019 Wash DC
Reported by Jules Levin
A Mantsios PhD1, M Murray PhD2, TS KarverMPH3, W Davis EdM1, D Margolis MD4, P Kumar MD5, S SwindellsMBBS6, F BredeekMD7, M Garcia DeltoroMD8,
R Rubio Garcia MD9, AAntelaLopez MD10, C Garris4, M Shaefer4, S CenozGomisMD4, M Pascual BernáldezPharmaD4, D Kerrigan PhD1
1American University, 2Independent Consultant, 3Johns Hopkins University, 4ViiVHealthcare , 5Georgetown University, 6University of Nebraska Medical Center, 7MetropolisMedical,8Hospital General de Valencia, 9Hospital 12 de Octubre de Madrid,10Hospital Santiago de Compostela
