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Restructuring Healthcare / RWCA -Physician's Administrative Burden/Exploited -Healthcare System Needs Restructuring
  The Business of Health Care Depends on Exploiting Doctors and Nurses - (08/02/19)
It is true that health care has become corporatized to an almost unrecognizable degree. The medical complexity per patient - the number and severity of chronic conditions - has steadily increased, meaning that medical encounters are becoming ever more involved. They typically include more illnesses to treat, more medications to administer, more complications to handle - all in the same-length office or hospital visit.
"This status quo is not sustainable - not for medical professionals and not for our patients."
By far the biggest culprit of the mushrooming workload is the electronic medical record, or E.M.R. It has burrowed its tentacles into every aspect of the health care system. SAYS EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED IN HIV & the RWCA: HIV+ older & sick need more attention, our HIV healthcare system is killing patients !!!! "The health care system needs to be restructured to reflect the realities of patient care."
Physicians Need to Stop Being So Nice
Three ways you're over-extending yourself

The changes that have occurred in healthcare over the last few years represent a sea change from the autonomy and clout that physicians once had. It's no great secret to anybody working in medicine that most of these changes to practice -- including the push towards employment instead of private practice, and the need to now spend the majority of the day clicking boxes on a computer screen -- have not been well received by the majority of doctors. Speaking as someone at a relatively early stage of my career, it's impossible not to place a large proportion of the blame on the older generation of physicians, simply because it's impossible for such a large and respected group of professionals to cede so much power so quickly, without a lack of strong leadership being a factor.
We are in the "zone" of patient care and often suffer "scientific tunnel vision." We too easily allow ourselves to become cogs in the wheel and jump on board with changes that are being imposed on us. The problem, especially when it comes to dealing with the corporate and business way of thinking (and this goes in any industry) is that you are dealing with very savvy operators, who will run rings around people in a heartbeat if those people allow them to.
Some examples of doctors being "too nice":
• Jumping on board with an administrative directive which may not be the best for patients, in the name of cooperating and being a "good and compliant" doctor. We are used to obliging most requests during the day, and it's difficult to shake out of that mode when we need to.
• Saying yes to a request to "help" with a certain project or committee without being adequately rewarded for it. Of course, most doctors score highly on the altruistic scale, but that shouldn't mean being a fool either. Does anyone think for one moment that any of the higher levels of corporate executives would ever be doing anything without ensuring they are paid for it?!
• Acceptance and over-flexibility. When something happens that is clearly not taking healthcare in the right direction, this should never just be accepted as "the way things are now, and we have to be flexible." What happened to the caricature of the good doctor, on the TV shows and movies we all grew up with -- the fearless advocate for their patients?
When it comes to working as a physician, my days of "helping" administrators in a selfless way are long gone, and experience has taught me that being a nice physician only serves to get you trampled on. The only people that I'll go the extra selfless mile for are my patients. Nobody else. It's something that probably every physician will eventually learn in this environment we find ourselves in. And it's absolutely not just about the money. We are reasonably well-compensated professionals. It's more the principle of not being taken advantage of or taken for granted. It's about taking a firm stand when you believe your patients' best interests and good healthcare are at stake. That's the moment every physician needs to stop being Mr. or Mrs. Nice.
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