High Rates of Comorbidities in HIV+ MAC Men & WIHS Women,
in WIHS Quality of Life Declines as the Number of Comorbidities Increase
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Characteristics of the MACS/WIHS Combined Cohort Study: Opportunities for Research on Aging With HIV in the Longest US Observational Study of HIV 2021
[OF NOTE, osteoporosis is not listed in Table 5. Perhaps due to it not being screened with BMD?. Also, its impotant to bear in mind that inn bth MACS & WIHS the HIV-negative comparison groups were meant to match the characteristics of the HIV+ group, thus it’s not a comparison group representing the general population.] Jules
Common comorbid conditions among participants include dyslipidemia (64%), hypertension (56%), obesity (42%), depressive symptoms (28%), diabetes (22%), and severely impaired instrumental activities of daily living (21%). Some participants have kidney disease (11%), frailty (7% of men), and a history of cancer (7%) (Table 5).
Participants living with HIV have a higher prevalence than seronegative participants of several comorbid conditions, including diabetes, the metabolic syndrome, kidney disease, liver fibrosis, impaired instrumental activities of daily living, depressive symptoms, and chronic hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus infection.
The Prevalence and Burden of Non-AIDS Comorbidities Among Women Living With or at Risk for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in the United States
The most common comorbid conditions for Women with HIV > 60 years old were hypertension (93%), psychiatric illness (67%), liver disease (52%), dyslipdemia (62%), bone disease (67%), chronic kidney disease (42%), diabetes ( 35%), and cardiovascular disease (36%).
HIV+ women in every age group (in red) had higher number of comorbidities compared to women in WIHS without HIV.